The first bracket is in the reverse electrolysis bath to remove rust.
Friday, September 16, 2016
One of the seat supports has finished de-rusting. Moved onto the seat foundations.
The original seat back foundation was used for the pattern. For the bottom I had to use the cushion.
Lacking suitable 3/4 inch ply I laminated 2 1/2" sheets.
I made the mistake of using the original seat back as a drill guide. The hole on the right is nearer the edge, just as it was on the original seat.
To be continued
September 2020
Painted the seat and eventually left it outside on the roller and the paint dies. Its now 4 years later and I have sanded the seat, rounded the edges and repainted it. Just need ot get the holes drilled and see if the lady still wants to do upholster it.
The carb runs over when I tried to start it. Have to pull the carb apart and clean the float bowl. This is the carb where you have to remove the main jet to get the bowl off. (A reminder to me)
The carb runs over when I tried to start it. Have to pull the carb apart and clean the float bowl. This is the carb where you have to remove the main jet to get the bowl off. (A reminder to me)